A Deliciously Healthy Chinese-Style Brisket Recipe for the Family

Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
Brisket, Avocado, nuts (almonds, walnuts), oven

Gather 'round, family! Today, we're cooking up a storm in the kitchen with a mouth-watering Chinese-inspired brisket recipe that's not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. This dish is perfect for a cozy night in with the loved ones, and I just can't wait to share it with you!


  • 1.5 kg beef brisket, sliced into thin strips
  • 2 ripe avocados, diced
  • 1/2 cup mixed nuts (almonds and walnuts)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon five-spice powder
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Fresh cilantro, chopped (optional)


  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 160°C (320°F).
  2. 2. [Rubs hands together excitedly] In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, honey, and five-spice powder. Add the sliced brisket and marinate for at least 30 minutes, or overnight for maximum flavor.
  3. 3. [Places brisket on a baking tray] Remove the brisket from the marinade, letting any excess liquid drip off. Place the brisket on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  4. 4. Roast the brisket in the preheated oven for 2 1/2 hours, or until tender and caramelized.
  5. 5. [Chops nuts] In a small bowl, mix together the chopped nuts and a pinch of salt.
  6. 6. Assemble the dish by slicing the roasted brisket against the grain. Serve with diced avocado, sprinkled with the nut mixture, and garnished with chopped cilantro if desired.
  7. 7. [Takes a deep breath, savoring the aroma] Ah, can you smell that? It's time to gather around the table and enjoy this incredible meal together!

This Chinese-style brisket recipe is a true celebration of flavors and textures, and I just know your family will love it. The slow-cooked brisket is tender and juicy, while the avocado adds a creamy touch. The nuts provide a satisfying crunch, and the five-spice powder gives it that authentic Chinese flair. So, go ahead, gather your loved ones, and enjoy this deliciously healthy meal together!

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