Bold and Fiery Japanese-Inspired Air-Fried Edamame and Okra

Bold and Fiery Japanese-Inspired Air-Fried Edamame and Okra
Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
Edamame, Okra, broth or stock (chicken, vegetable), air fryer

Prepare the Edamame and Okra:


  • Edamame
  • Okra
  • Broth or stock (chicken or vegetable)
  • Air fryer


  1. Prepare the Edamame and Okra: Thaw the edamame if using frozen ones. Wash and pat dry the okra, then trim the ends.
  2. Season and Marinate: In a bowl, toss the edamame and okra with your favorite Japanese seasonings, like soy sauce, sesame oil, and a pinch of red pepper flakes for a kick.
  3. Air Fry to Perfection: Preheat the air fryer. Place the seasoned edamame and okra in the air fryer basket in a single layer. Air fry at 400°F (200°C) for about 10-12 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through, until they are crispy and slightly charred.
  4. Prepare the Broth or Stock: In a saucepan, heat the broth or stock until simmering.
  5. Serve and Enjoy: Transfer the air-fried edamame and okra to a serving plate. Pour the hot broth or stock into small dipping bowls. Enjoy the bold flavors by dipping the air-fried edamame and okra into the warm broth or stock.

Enjoy the bold and fiery flavors of this Japanese-inspired air-fried edamame and okra, a perfect appetizer or snack for four people.

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