Crispy Air Fryer Bok Choy with Lentils and Greek Yogurt

Crispy Air Fryer Bok Choy with Lentils and Greek Yogurt
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What Started it all:
Greek Yogurt, Bok choy, lentils, air fryer

This Chinese-inspired recipe combines the crispiness of air-fried bok choy with the heartiness of lentils, all accompanied by a creamy Greek yogurt sauce. It’s a delightful and healthy dish that is sure to impress your guests.


  • 4 heads of bok choy, halved
  • 1 cup of lentils
  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the air fryer to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Toss the bok choy halves with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  3. Place the bok choy in the air fryer basket and cook for 8-10 minutes, until crispy and slightly charred.
  4. While the bok choy is cooking, rinse the lentils and cook them according to package instructions.
  5. In a small bowl, mix the Greek yogurt with a pinch of salt and pepper to make the sauce.
  6. Once the bok choy is crispy and the lentils are cooked, arrange the bok choy and lentils on a serving platter.
  7. Serve with a dollop of the Greek yogurt sauce on the side.

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