Fiery Grilled Greek Yogurt Spinach

Fiery Grilled Greek Yogurt Spinach
Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
Greek Yogurt, Spinach, black pepper, grill

This fiery Mediterranean dish combines the creaminess of Greek yogurt with the earthy flavors of spinach, all brought to life on the grill. Perfect for a bold and flavorful meal that will leave your taste buds craving for more.


  • 2 cups Greek yogurt
  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • Olive oil (for grilling)


  1. Prepare the Yogurt: In a bowl, mix the Greek yogurt with black pepper until well combined.
  2. Marinate the Spinach: Toss the fresh spinach in the prepared yogurt mixture, ensuring each leaf is coated evenly.
  3. Preheat the Grill: Brush the grill with olive oil and preheat it to medium-high heat.
  4. Grill the Spinach: Place the marinated spinach on the grill and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until grill marks appear and the spinach is slightly wilted.
  5. Serve: Remove the grilled spinach from the grill and serve immediately as a flavorful and fiery side dish.

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