Gluten-Free Mackerel and Pumpkin Pasta

Gluten-Free Mackerel and Pumpkin Pasta
Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
Mackerel, Pumpkin, pasta, pressure cooker

This gluten-free mackerel and pumpkin pasta is a delightful and comforting dish that brings together fresh ingredients for a satisfying meal.


  • 4 mackerel fillets
  • 1 small pumpkin, diced
  • 400g gluten-free pasta
  • 1 pressure cooker


  1. Begin by preparing the mackerel fillets, ensuring they are descaled and deboned.
  2. In the pressure cooker, add the diced pumpkin and a splash of water. Cook for 5 minutes until the pumpkin is tender.
  3. Meanwhile, cook the gluten-free pasta according to the package instructions.
  4. Once the pumpkin is cooked, remove it from the pressure cooker and set it aside.
  5. In the same pressure cooker, place the mackerel fillets and cook for a few minutes until they are flaky and cooked through.
  6. Once the mackerel is cooked, combine it with the cooked gluten-free pasta and the tender pumpkin.
  7. Gently toss everything together, ensuring the mackerel flakes into the pasta.
  8. Serve the gluten-free mackerel and pumpkin pasta in warm bowls, and enjoy the comforting flavors!

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