Greek-Inspired Roast with Green Beans and Nutty Pilaf

Greek-Inspired Roast with Green Beans and Nutty Pilaf
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What Started it all:
Roast, Green bean, nuts (almonds, walnuts), pressure cooker

This Greek-inspired recipe combines the heartiness of a roast with the freshness of green beans and the nuttiness of a pilaf. It’s a comforting dish perfect for sharing with loved ones.


  • 1.5 kg of roast (chicken, lamb, or beef)
  • 400g of green beans
  • 100g of almonds
  • 100g of walnuts
  • 2 cups of rice
  • 4 cups of chicken or vegetable broth
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 lemon for garnish


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Season the roast with salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil.
  3. Place the seasoned roast in a pressure cooker and cook according to the cooker's instructions until tender.
  4. While the roast is cooking, prepare the nutty pilaf. In a pan, toast the almonds and walnuts until fragrant, then set aside.
  5. In the same pan, heat a little olive oil and add the rice. Stir the rice until it becomes translucent.
  6. Pour in the chicken or vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat, cover, and simmer until the rice is tender and the liquid is absorbed.
  7. Once the roast is done, remove it from the pressure cooker and place it in a roasting pan. Roast in the preheated oven for an additional 20-30 minutes to crisp up the exterior.
  8. In the meantime, blanch the green beans in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then drain and set aside.
  9. Once the roast is ready, carve it into slices and serve with the green beans and nutty pilaf.
  10. Garnish with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice for a burst of citrus flavor.

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