Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
♐ice cream

There's nothing quite like homemade ice cream. This simple, classic vanilla ice cream recipe will delight your taste buds and is sure to be a hit with family and friends. It's easy to make and requires only a few ingredients. Let's get started!


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt


  1. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, granulated sugar, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Stir in the vanilla extract. Mix well to ensure it's evenly distributed.
  4. Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or overnight. This will allow the flavors to meld and the mixture to chill thoroughly.
  5. Pour the chilled mixture into your ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to churn the ice cream. This usually takes about 20-25 minutes.
  6. Once the ice cream has reached a soft-serve consistency, transfer it to an airtight container. Place the container in the freezer for at least 2 hours, or until the ice cream is firm.
  7. Scoop the ice cream into bowls or cones. Enjoy your homemade vanilla ice cream with your favorite toppings!

Making homemade vanilla ice cream is a rewarding experience that results in a creamy, delicious treat perfect for any occasion. With this simple recipe, you can create a delightful dessert that is sure to please everyone. Enjoy!

NOTE: Unless added by users, images generated by AI may not actually look like the recipe.

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