Ice cream with Caramel

Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
ice cream, caramel

Enjoy your delicious ice cream with caramel sauce for a mouth-watering dessert!


  • 4 cups of vanilla ice cream
  • 1 cup of caramel sauce


  1. Scoop the vanilla ice cream into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the caramel sauce to the ice cream, and stir it thoroughly until everything is evenly mixed.
  3. Empty the mixture into a container and place it in the freezer for at least an hour to allow it to set.
  4. Remove the ice cream from the freezer, and let it soften for a few minutes before scooping it into bowls.
  5. Drizzle a small amount of caramel sauce over the top of the ice cream before serving, for an extra sweet treat.

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