Japanese-Style Beef Pasta Recipe

Japanese-Style Beef Pasta Recipe
Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
ground beef, tomatoes, pasta, stove

(With a firm grip, point to the ingredients) First things first, grab a large pot and fill it with water. Get it boiling, and add a generous pinch of salt. We need that water as salty as the sea, got it?


  • 500g ground beef
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 400g pasta
  • Access to a stove


  1. First things first, grab a large pot and fill it with water. Get it boiling, and add a generous pinch of salt. We need that water as salty as the sea, got it?
  2. Next, take those beautiful tomatoes and give them a good chop. We want them in nice, chunky pieces.
  3. Now, get a large pan on medium heat. Add the ground beef and cook it until it's beautifully browned. Make sure you season it well with salt and pepper. We want flavor, not blandness!
  4. Once the beef is cooked, add in those lovely tomatoes. Let them simmer with the beef until they start to break down and release their juices.
  5. While the beef and tomatoes are doing their thing, drop the pasta into the boiling water. Cook it according to the package instructions, but remember, we want it al dente – with a bit of a bite to it.
  6. Taste the beef and tomato mixture. Don't be afraid to adjust the seasoning. We want those flavors to sing!
  7. When the pasta is ready, drain it and add it to the pan with the beef and tomatoes. Toss it all together until the pasta is coated in that delicious sauce.
  8. Finally, serve it up hot and fresh. Garnish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs if you're feeling fancy.

There you have it, a Japanese-style beef pasta that will blow your socks off. It's simple, packed with flavor, and perfect for feeding a hungry bunch. Enjoy!

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