Keto Burnt Ends and Spinach Slow Cooker Delight

Keto Burnt Ends and Spinach Slow Cooker Delight
Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
Burnt ends, Spinach, broth or stock (chicken, vegetable), slow cooker

Here's a super easy, keto-friendly recipe that'll make your taste buds dance! Perfect for a busy weeknight, this dish combines tender burnt ends with fresh spinach and a flavorful broth, all made in your trusty slow cooker. Let's get cooking!


  • 1 pound burnt ends
  • 4 cups fresh spinach
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the Slow Cooker: Set your slow cooker to low heat.
  2. Add the Burnt Ends: Place the burnt ends at the bottom of the slow cooker.
  3. Pour in the Broth: Add the chicken or vegetable broth, making sure to cover the burnt ends completely.
  4. Season: Sprinkle in salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Cook: Cover the slow cooker and let it cook on low for 6-8 hours.
  6. Add Spinach: In the last 30 minutes of cooking, stir in the fresh spinach.
  7. Serve: Once the spinach is wilted and everything is heated through, it's ready to serve. Ladle into bowls and enjoy!

And there you have it! A hearty, delicious meal that's keto-friendly and super easy to make. Perfect for those busy days when you still want something yummy and nutritious. Enjoy, everyone!

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