Sizzlin' Quinoa Stir-Fry for Four

Chef Brainy
What Started it all:
Quinoa, Garlic, cereal, stove

A Quick and Easy Recipe for a Delicious Dinner


  • 1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup cereal (yes, you read that right - cereal!), crushed into small pieces
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat it up! Preheat your stove to medium-high heat. Add the vegetable oil to a large skillet or wok.
  2. Garlic to the rescue! Add the minced garlic and sauté for about 1 minute, until fragrant.
  3. Get your crunch on! Add the crushed cereal and cook for about 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently, until lightly toasted.
  4. Quinoa time! Add the quinoa and cook for about 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently, until lightly toasted.
  5. Stir-fry magic! Stir in the quinoa mixture and cook for about 1-2 minutes, until everything is well combined and heated through.
  6. Season to taste! Add salt and pepper to taste, and serve hot.

This sizzlin' quinoa stir-fry is a game-changer for a quick and easy dinner that's perfect for a weeknight meal. The crushed cereal adds a delightful crunch, while the quinoa provides a nutritious and filling base. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the oohs and ahhs from your family and friends!

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