Smoky Tempeh and Cucumber Stew

Smoky Tempeh and Cucumber Stew
Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
Tempeh, Cucumber, mustard, crockpot

This bold and flavorful stew will warm your soul and tantalize your taste buds. It’s a comforting dish perfect for feeding a group of four, and it’s packed with robust flavors that will leave everyone satisfied.


  • 1 block of tempeh, cubed
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard
  • 1 crockpot full of vegetable broth


  1. In a hot pan, sear the tempeh until golden brown and smoky.
  2. Transfer the seared tempeh to the crockpot.
  3. Add the sliced cucumbers to the crockpot.
  4. Mix in the mustard for a tangy kick.
  5. Pour the vegetable broth over the tempeh and cucumbers.
  6. Set the crockpot to low heat and let the stew simmer for 4-6 hours, allowing the flavors to meld together.

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