Spicy Korean Burnt Ends with Collard Greens

Spicy Korean Burnt Ends with Collard Greens
Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
Burnt ends, Collard greens, canned vegetables, stove

<em>_(While cooking, I furiously season the burnt ends and collard greens, making sure every bite is bursting with flavor. I take a moment to taste the dish and adjust the seasoning, ensuring it&#8217;s absolutely perfect before serving.)</em>


  • 1 lb Burnt ends
  • 1 bunch Collard greens
  • 1 can Mixed vegetables
  • 1 stove


  1. Start by heating a pan on medium-high heat.
  2. Add the burnt ends to the pan and let them sizzle until they're beautifully caramelized and crispy.
  3. In the meantime, wash the collard greens thoroughly and chop them into bite-sized pieces.
  4. Once the burnt ends are ready, set them aside and use the same pan to sauté the collard greens until they're tender and vibrant green.
  5. While the collard greens are cooking, open the can of mixed vegetables and drain them.
  6. In a separate pot, heat the mixed vegetables on the stove until they're heated through.
  7. Once everything is ready, serve the spicy Korean burnt ends on a bed of sautéed collard greens and a side of warm mixed vegetables.

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