Sweet Corn and Tomato Stove-top Delight

Sweet Corn and Tomato Stove-top Delight
Tailwind CSS chat bubble component
What Started it all:
Corn, Tomato, sugar, stove

Enjoy this sweet and savory vegan dish that’s bursting with the flavors of fresh corn and tomatoes. It’s a quick and easy recipe that’s perfect for a delicious meal for four!


  • 4 ears of corn
  • 4 ripe tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Cooking oil


  1. Husk the corn and cut the kernels off the cob.
  2. Dice the tomatoes into small pieces.
  3. In a large skillet, heat a drizzle of cooking oil over medium heat.
  4. Add the corn kernels and sauté for 5 minutes until they start to turn golden.
  5. Stir in the diced tomatoes and cook for another 3-4 minutes until they soften.
  6. Sprinkle the sugar over the corn and tomatoes, and stir to combine.
  7. Continue to cook for 2-3 minutes until the sugar caramelizes slightly and coats the vegetables.
  8. Remove from the heat and serve immediately.

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